Monday, March 08, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday -- Yellow

Today's Muffin Tin Monday theme was the colour yellow. I considered skipping muffin tins because of this since, instead of going to the grocery store this morning (where we could've picked up some yellow foods) we played outside in the absolutely gorgeous March weather.

So a yellow muffin tin, knowing that I didn't have any bananas or yellow peppers in the house (the two yellow items Austin thought of when we talked about it on the weekend) was going to be a challenge. And eggs are out of the question, because Austin doesn't like them and Alex will only eat them if she's mooching what I'm eating.

But the kids were all excited to do a muffin tin today, so I couldn't say no. And, I even surprised myself at how well we did filling up a yellow tin without having to break out the food colouring.

We have leftover chocolate chip pancakes (I know, a little more golden brown than yellow, but work with me here) which the kids surprisingly didn't realize were missing syrup, corn, shredded mozzarella cheese, yellow Smarties, pineapple pieces and Swiss Cheese crackers.

I've learned two interesting lessons since I started doing muffin tin lunches on a regular basis.

1) The kids absolutely love the idea. Who knew that putting plain old food in a muffin tin instead of on a plate could be so exciting?

2) Both kids, but especially Austin, is more willing to eat something simply because it's in a muffin tin. Case and point, that Swiss Cheese cracker in today's tin. When I pulled the box out of the cupboard, Austin said to me -- "I don't like those, so only give me one and then I'll eat it quick." If I tried to put one of those crackers on a plate with some cheese for him, he would loudly complain that he didn't like them. The irony here is, not only did he eat the cracker 'quickly' he then informed me that he likes them now and wanted more.

Maybe I should try to put eggs in their muffin tins afterall.

Check out other muffin tin lunches:

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


Anonymous said...

JDaniel loves to eat from muffin tins several times a week. Great food choices.

The Ross Family said...

My daughter loves the tins too. It's her "Fun Lunch" and loves helping pick out what to put in. She is really good about eating anything and trying new foods but it also helps me think of new things to try.

Alison said...

My daughter is a really picky eater when it comes to anything but meat, but in the muffin tin she will eat everything! I've even had a meal where I got fed up with her messing about that I tipped it into a muffin tin and she ate it all up! Your boy is definitely not the only one who's bene magiced into eating and enjoying! :D

Be Brave, Keep Going said...

I tell people it's like magic, but they don't believe me until they try it for themselves. so glad you are joining in on the fun!

Kelly said...

It is amazing how excited they get! My two dance around my feet when I'm making a MTM meal. Looks like a great tin.

Miller Moments said...

It's funny, my kids are willing to try new things too, simply because it's in a muffin tin. Go figure!

Unknown said...

Yes, I think you made the wisest decision and avoided the grocery store and played outside instead!

w said...

it looks great! muffin tins are miraculous.