And I mean pretty much all puzzles. The daily crossword puzzle in the paper, word jumbles, even word searches are not really my thing. This stems party because I can't be bothered to do them, but mostly because, well, I suck at puzzles.
So when the Sudoku craze started awhile back, I didn't even give those puzzles a second look. But then I got a Sudoku puzzle book for Christmas, and, to be kind really, I decided to do one that afternoon. Ryan, who loves them -- and is rather good at them too -- explained the concept and helped walk me through my first puzzle. It took me well over 30 minutes WITH Ryan's help to complete a so-called easy puzzle. That was enough for me, I thought.
But then, a few weeks later, I came across the book again while cleaning up and figured what the heck, I'll try one more. By the end of the day, I had given up on two of them and was attempting a third when I once again recruited Ryan's help. I was frustrated, and just needed to prove that I could complete one on my own. I vowed once I finished just one puzzle without help, that I would never, ever do another one.
Finally, after a whole day's of on again, off again work, I finished one.
Two days later, I picked the book up again and started doing puzzles. I'll still stand firm that I don't like puzzles, but for some reason, I can't make myself stop trying these. (Ryan, you can stop laughing and saying 'I told you so now'.)
Ha Ha Ha!!!
I told you so!
It's free, and it's an awesome way to burn off an afternoon. Just be sure to click on OPTIONS and click on ALLOW MUTIPLE NUMBERS TO BE TYPED INTO EACH CELL.
Sorry to add to the addiction, but these are way better than paper-based.
gee, thanks, just what I need, more Sudoku puzzles ;)
I was playing the web version tons at work until I got re-hooked on Minesweeper - thanks Jen.
You're welcome Vone!! I haven't been able to play since I hurt my thumb but I will be back soon with a vengenance.
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